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A Production vs Performance Guarantee

What Is It? Is It Worth The Hype?

In our current moment most homeowners are simultaneously intrigued and weary of the idea of switching to a home powered by solar panels. The idea is of course intriguing. For a homeowner to equip their home with a power producing tool thereby limiting (or dare I say removing) their dependence on their local power company is a powerful idea. But it also causes pause. It’s an investment, the technology might not be fully understood, homeowners might have apprehension from previous bad experiences and further, the old adage, “if it’s too good to be true it probably is,” seems to come into play as well.

But, our team wants you to know that solar technology is an incredible technology that can revolutionize your home and decrease your carbon footprint here on earth.

Battling Reluctance

As a way to combat reluctance our team has developed a production vs. performance guarantee. This is something our team is doing that most other solar installation companies are not. Basically, we want our customers to have a firm confidence that when they purchase a solar solution for their home it can be predictable and reliable.

This is our commitment to you. We offer a 25 year production guarantee on each and every sale. When a new system is installed at your

home our team outlines how the system is expected to perform, this is the production expectation. Over time your solar system creates data and then you as a homeowner can see how your system is actually performing. If, in the next 25 years, there is a gap between expected production and actual performance our team will reimburse the difference and make necessary adjustments to the system to ensure it is performing the way it was intended to perform.

We do this because, one, we believe in the solar products we install, and two, we want you to be confident in what you’re purchasing.

How It Typically Works

For a typical solar panel installation company, let’s say 99% of every other company out there, there is no production vs. performance guarantee. Most companies rely more generically on a manufacturer’s performance guarantee. These guarantees, however, are broad and difficult to track. So, it might be difficult to understand if your system is matching that projection or not.

Our team is highly concerned with your satisfaction and confidence. To help better understand system performance we provide a consumption monitoring tool. This tool tracks exactly how much energy a system produces and then homeowners compare this to the original agreement to ensure that they are getting every kilowatt they’re owed.

Just One Way

The production vs. performance guarantee we offer is just one of the ways we’re working to help and support our customers. Because, "a job worth doing is worth doing well.”

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